Take turns with stuff
in Slack and Discord

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Trusted by teams all over the planet

Take turns with anything

Queue for servers to test code

"Are you done with staging yet?"

Deal out sales leads or support calls

"Pretty sure this call's for you ❤️"

Share the load with office chores

"Whose turn is it to empty the dishwasher?"

Call dibs on the office car parks

"Can I grab parking space 5 tomorrow?"

Bring dogs to work one at a time 🐕🐕🐕

"Gonna bring Patsie in tomorrow if that's ok?"

Free, Extra or Pro

Make Dibs work perfectly for you


Get started right now

$0 fair use

Unlimited queues
Unlimited team members
Unlimited channel usage
Add to Slack or Discord



When you want a little more

$9.00 USD
per mo.

Bump the queue to the next person
Automatic relinquish after a specified duration
Allow only approved queue names
Add extra info when calling dibs
Slack buttons for less typing
Queue nudging for gentle reminders
Random queues for fairer allocations
Secret queues with hidden names
Proceed to Stripe for payment


Pro + Extra

A key utility for your team

$49.00 USD
per mo.

Dedicated support & new features
Webhooks for queues new
Multi-leader queues new
API access
Restrict queues to particular channels
Automatic re-queuing for job rosters
Enforce timers on queues
Queue jumping (just in case)
Queue renaming
Quiet queues
T-shirts and gear new
Proceed to Stripe for payment


Privacy Policy
The information that is put into this service is used only to run this service. No spam. No data collection. Here are the long versions Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. And the plain fact from the Slack app store about what data Dibs is able to collect, compared to another similar app:

What is this conch you speak of?
In the 1954 William Golding novel Lord of the Flies the kids would take turns speaking - only one could speak at a time, provided they held the conch (a seashell) they could cooperate by passing it around between them.

Can I try out the extra features?
Every account may try out the Pro features by entering /dibs extras into Slack or Discord. This will enable the Pro features for free for a month - no credit card required.

Any questions or support queries:

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